I assume a Sunday topic would need to be moved to Saturday.  If so, which one and will that create additional problems?  It probably would be a good idea to consider all moves at once so that we don't have to revisit this again.  For example, would the IDN ccTLD issue need to be switched to Saturday and if so should we also move the planning for the joint meeting with the ccNSO Council?

I am flexible on all counts but believe that we need strong participation for both topics, IDN ccTLDs and DT.


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 -----Original Message-----
From:   Avri Doria [mailto:avri@psg.com]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2008 02:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
To:     Council GNSO
Subject:        [council] DNT session


I have received a request to move the DNT session to Sunday.   Due t 
the number of people who are attending remotely due to their inability 
to be there in person, I had promised to not move sessions around so 
that people could plan.  While we are in the scheduling process,  i 
wanted to check and see if there was support/consternation for a 
change of DNT to Sunday.

As it is currently scheduled for Saturday and there has been a request 
for putting it on first on Saturday, i think we need consensus on 
moving it.

