Dear Sophia,

Thanks for your comments! Rest assured, the discussion paper was intended to be just that, a discussion paper. The next step will be the Issues Report, based on the discussions in Wellington.

You raise some interesting points and I, for one, would appreciate if you could elaborate on what you mean by “linguistic permission” in your item 1. Also, your statements in 2 puzzle me somewhat – isn’t there a contradiction between your first and second sentence (or am I just too jet-lagged still)?

Very best regards



From: [] On Behalf Of Sophia B
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:08 AM
To: Olof Nordling
Cc: GNSO Council
Subject: Re: [council] Draft discussion paper on IDN policy issues


Dear Olof,


Thanks for sharing paper below.  Since these paper came out after the GNSO polciy discussion over IDNs, I presume that we will be adding the points that Bruce captured from us in the meeting.   I have reviewed the document and here is my input thus far. 


I have a couple of suggestion for you/us to think about.  I belive these two points are not  covered by the document either in question or in statement form, in the format you have layed out:


1- If a single existing registry gets 20 languages - are they going to hire people in each language and have an office in each language country, i.e. hire tens of peoples and open offices and deal with getting linguistic permission of allowed names and allowed cultural rules in each country?   Certainly, if there is an error in the language and if it ignores the local government's views of what names are allowed, etc. – a global policy across all languages and all countries set by a single manager working at a global registry may not be politically and culturally sensitive.

2- I can only see the script selection to be or should be only ONE script throughout a full domain names.  I am not sure of NO domain name with more than one script - does make logical sense and may even cause endless grief.  I am hoping the IDN guidelines will not advocate this.


I would suggest that we consider  these two significant policy matters in the IDN discussion paper below.   Additionally, I see the paper to be a live document, so I hope to see an updated one soon.


If there is anything I can clarify, please feel free to get back to me.


Kind regards,



On 25/03/06, Olof Nordling < > wrote:

Dear councilors,

Attached please find a draft discussion paper on IDN policy issues, as just announced by Bruce at the meeting on new gTLDs.

Best regards
