On Nov 4, 2016, at 4:15 PM, Mary Wong <mary.wong@icann.org> wrote:

Dear Councilors,
Several statements were made during the GAC-GNSO meeting that just concluded, concerning my role and participation in the IGO small group discussions. I would like to let you know that I was only brought into the discussions after the group was formed, to provide subject matter expertise and process advice concerning the GNSO and its work. At no time did I participate other than as a staff facilitator – and I did not hold myself out as a representative of the GNSO, or as having any authority to negotiate on behalf of the GNSO Council or the GNSO community.


While we are at it, I think that a quick training / presentation for GAC regarding Consensus Policies / Picket Fence etc. would be in order. I got the impression today that GAC believes ICANN Board could make contracted parties do anything they wanted thru acceptance of GAC Advice, but they probably need to be informed that only GNSO PDPs followed to the letter of GNSO Operating Procedures have binding effect. 

But good luck finding someone willing to make such training and becoming the next scapegoat... ;-)
