If this has not already been posted, please hold off until we get confirmation from Jeff that this document is not going to change.  Jeff is working with Avri to clear up some wording in his communication to me; I believe that that relates to his email message and not to the request itself, but want to make sure.

From: [] On Behalf Of Glen de Saint Géry
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 5:35 AM
To: Council GNSO
Subject: [council] FW: Support for a PDP Work Team Face to Face Meeting

The attached request will be posted on the GNSO website under draft documents




Forwarded From: Neuman, Jeff []




Please find enclosed a request by the PDP Work Team for a face to face meeting in January 2010 setting for the rationale for needing such a working session.  This draft  was discussed by the PDP Work Team.  There was a consensus within the PDP WT for such a face to face meeting for the reasons stated within the attached document and should address some of the concerns that we have seen on the GNSO Council list over the past several weeks.   We offer no opinion in this document on the general role of face to face meetings, the Council role in approving or supporting those face to face meetings, etc., but rather focus on our specific request.


The request was sent to the full Policy Process Steering Committee on December 5, 2009, and although no comments were actually received from any person on the PPSC that was not already a member of the PDP WT, there were some comments from the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group with respect to who was eligible for funding from ICANN.  The discussions are archived on two lists (the PPSC list: and the PDP-WT list (the PDP WT list -   It should be noted that the PPSC as a whole has been inactive since the formation of the Work Teams early this year.  In fact some members of the PPSC listed at, may not be members of the Council or even active in the community. 


What follows is my brief summary of the issues raised to the best of my knowledge.  If I have misstated any of the arguments, I apologize in advance, and would be happy to be corrected.  Essentially, the PDP WT is recommending that 1 person be funded by ICANN staff from each constituency to attend the face to face.  The NCSG has argued that there should be the same number of representatives from each of the Stakeholder groups, which would mean that if ICANN provides funding for the three CSG constituencies to attend, then it should fund three reps from the NCSG, RySG and RrSG to attend as well (as opposed to the recommended 1 from the NCSG, RySG and RrSG).  The argument is that we have now reorganized into SGs and parity should be provided on an SG basis as opposed to constituency basis, and that the NCSG believes that this policy will exclude participation from the noncommercial users.  It is important to note that neither the Registries nor the Registrars have raised those arguments nor do they agree with the NCSG view.


ICANN staff has responded to the NCSG stating that participation in the PDP WT has never been exclusionary and that the Work Team has been open to anyone wanting to participate on-line, in conference calls, etc.  However, “enhancing participation on the WT does not equate to getting funded to attend a particular F2F meeting. This WT has always been open for anyone to participate and any group to be represented. Every effort has been made to try to get input and participation from all Constituencies and Stakeholder Groups, including by setting up surveys and requesting input on documents and discussions. It is troubling to see that only funded travel seems to drive a sudden need for 'adequate representation' while this interest level seems to have been missing when it came to participation in the WT's previous 20 calls and 3 surveys.  This F2F meeting is actually about genuine participation and about bringing the discussions of those 20 calls and 3 surveys together into conclusions so the public, the PPSC and the GNSO have a concrete initial draft to consider.”


As Chair of the PDP WT, my personal view, for what it is worth, is more in line with ICANN staff’s view.  I believe it is not the quantity of persons funded to attend the face to face that should matter, but rather the quality.  I need to do my job to make sure all view points are heard, discussed, and addressed whether it is one person making the argument or three.  The fact is that we have not had three reps from the NCSG participate on a regular basis in the WT and to have three reps for the sake of having an equal number of representatives to me does not make sense.  My view is that the most important reason for requesting this face to face meeting is to make progress on the work of the WT.  To introduce new players into the process now, after a year’s worth of calls, meetings, surveys, reports, etc. at a face to face meeting for the first time may not be lend itself to a productive meeting.  On the other hand, if the ICANN staff and/or Council do decide that it is in the best interest of the Internet Community to allow all SGs (including Registries and Registrars by the way) to have 3 reps funded, then we will need to ensure that those participants are up to speed on the work, have read all of the materials, and that we do not recover old ground.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  I would be happy to make myself available for the Council meeting to address any questions.


Thank you for your consideration of our request.


Jeffrey J. Neuman , PDP Work Team Chair
Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Law & Policy

46000 Center Oak Plaza Sterling, VA 20166

Office: +1.571.434.5772  Mobile: +1.202.549.5079  Fax: +1.703.738.7965 /  /     

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