Dear Councillors,


Please find the Non- Contracted Parties House nomination for GNSO chair.


Thank you.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat


From: Metalitz, Steven  
Sent: samedi 26 septembre 2015 00:00
Cc: Phil Corwin; Edward Morris; Rafik Dammak; avri; David Cake ; Stephanie Perrin; Marilia Maciel; David Fares; Tony Harris; Tony Holmes; 'Amr Elsadr' ; Greg Shatan
Subject: NCPH nomination for GNSO council chair


On behalf of our respective stakeholder groups, we are pleased jointly to nominate Heather Forrest to serve as chair of the GNSO Council beginning at the conclusion of the forthcoming Dublin meeting.  Please acknowledge the timely submission of this nomination on behalf of the Non-Contracted Parties House.   Thank you.


Rafik Dammak, for NCSG

Steve Metalitz, for CSG