Colleagues -

This note was sent to the CCWG-ACCT mailing list, and Marika has also sent our Response document directly to the CCWG Co-Chairs.

Thanks again for all of your efforts on this, and I know we all will await the anticipated Supplemental Proposal in a couple of weeks.

Have a great weekend.


From: James Bladel <>
Date: Friday, January 22, 2016 at 17:39
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "Austin, Donna" <>, "Heather Forrest (" <>, "''" <>
Subject: GNSO Council Response to CCWG-ACCT Third Draft Proposal

Dear CCWG-Accountabilty Members and Participants -

On behalf of myself and the GNSO Council Vice Chairs, please find attached the GNSO Council’s response to the CCWG-Accountability Third Draft Proposal.

Thank you,
