Dear GNSO Council Members,

On behalf of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (IRD-WG), please find attached its Revised Final Report for GNSO Council consideration.   The report is attached in clean and redlined versions.  For further background, Steve Sheng produced a presentation for the 10 May GNSO Council meeting which is posted at:

The Revised Final Report is the result of changes suggested by the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC).  The IRD-WG approved the changes with some additional minor edits.  You may be interested in the rationale for the SSAC's changes.  Most of the changes correct technical and other errors in the document.  The only substantive change is that the SSAC proposed an additional recommendation (recommendation 4). The rationale for this recommendation is that SSAC members asked why standards agreed to in Section 4.2 of the report were not part of the final recommendations for action.  For example, Nameserver, Phone/fax, Dates, Registration Status are fields where the IRD-WG had rough consensus on the standards, but in the original report there was no recommendation relating to these standards. Recommendation 4 suggestions actions that could be taken on those standards.

 Please let me know if you have any questions that I can convey to the IRD-WG members as you consider this report.

With best regards,


Julie Hedlund
Policy Director