

I will second Stephane’s motion.  I also tend to believe that we need to observe at least the initial results of the Council’s action before we attempt to propose changes it.


Take care



From: [] On Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 6:05 AM
To: Council GNSO
Subject: [council] Motion to Terminate The Policy Development Process on Vertical Integration Between Registries and Registrars


Please note that the motion Stéphane made to terminate the VI PDP has not yet been seconded.  If anyone wishes to second the motion, please do so on the Council list.

If a second is received and as noted by Stéphane, before acting on the motion we will have to first determine if there are any objections to making an exception to the GNSO Operating Procedures requirement that motions be made at least 8 days in advance of the meeting.  I encourage all Councilors to consult with your respective groups regarding this motion and the other two motions that have been made.

