Dear Jonathan:


I wish to offer the following amendment, on behalf of the IPC, to the first motion on our agenda—namely the motion to initiate a PDP on access to curative rights protection mechanisms. 


The GNSO Council hereby initiates a PDP to evaluate: (i) whether the UDRP and/or URS should be amended (to enable their access and use by IGOs and INGOs whose identifiers had been recommended for protection by the IGO-INGO PDP WG); and (ii) if so, in what way;, or (ii) whether a separate narrowly-tailored procedure modeled on these curative rights protection measures to apply only to protected IGO and INGO identifiers should be developed.


I would ask that the Council also consider implementing a similar amendment within the PDP WG Charter itself.  I do hope that these minor changes will be accepted as friendly, as their primary goal is to align the language more closely with the recommendation in the final issues report (which follows) and delineate two clear options. 


Staff therefore recommends that the GNSO Council commence a PDP on the specific issue described in this Issue Report, i.e. exploring whether the UDRP and URS should be amended, and if so in what way; or whether a separate narrowly tailored procedure designed, to enable curative protection for IGOs and INGOs should be developed.


In short, as it stands, I think the semicolon and numeral (ii) are slightly out of place, and might confuse two otherwise very clear options for the WG to consider.


I look forward to discussing this suggested amendment with everyone on our call.


Thank you,




Brian J. Winterfeldt
Head of Internet Practice
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
2900 K Street NW, North Tower - Suite 200 / Washington, DC 20007-5118
p / (202) 625-3562 f / (202) 339-8244


From: owner-council@gnso.icann.orgOn Behalf OfGlen de Saint Géry
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:11:48 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Subject: RE: [council] IGO INGO Final Issue Report & Motion for Council

The motions have been posted on page :


Thank you.

Kind regards,




From: [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Robinson
Sent: mardi 27 mai 2014 00:55
Subject: [council] IGO INGO Final Issue Report & Motion for Council
Importance: High




Please see attached for two proposed motions for the next council meeting.


Ordinarily, I expect that these would have come to you from Thomas Rickert as chair of the PDP WG that developed the recommendation for the Issue Report.


However, since Thomas is currently on vacation, I have decided to propose the motions.





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