Hi Martin,

Can we take this conversation to the SCBO list please?

Let's see there how we can resolve your concerns in the next draft of the document. Remember, it is just a first working draft for now.

Thank you,


-------- Original Message --------
On 20 February 2018 4:48 AM, Martin Pablo Silva Valent <mpsilvavalent@gmail.com> wrote:

I am sorry, but this draft disregards both of my oppositions towards the point of supporting the reduction of the fellowship and implying it is not fiscal prudent as it is,  nor if they should stop or not the program. I commented both in the call and in the draft itself. I support that we debate and seek for better measurement tools to understand the cost benefit, but I do not support this preemptive conclusion before even using the tools we are demanding to have. 

If it is not modified to reflect that there is not an agreement to start with regarding that point,  I will have to oppose officially to its presentation or voting. 

I won't speak for them, but in the call another ncsg councillor and a member of the csg also expressed such concerns. 


On 19 Feb 2018 22:55, "Berry Cobb" <mail@berrycobb.com> wrote:

GNSO Council,


On behalf of the SCBO, please find attached a working draft of comments for the GNSO Council to consider in preparation for the meeting this Thursday at 12:00 UTC.  Note, that several points within this draft do not have full agreement by the SCBO at this time, but input from the Council is welcome. 


The draft will be presented by Ayden (SCBO Chair) during agenda item #7.  Here, the Council will deliberate on the draft of comments and the proposed approach leading up to planned submission on 8 March.


SCBO Membership and SG/C Subject Matter Experts:



Proposed timeline to submit the comments:

·         19 Feb - Submit draft of comments to Council for review prior to next Council meeting

·         22 Feb - GNSO Council meeting; draft of comments on agenda and deliberation

·         26 Feb - SCBO meeting

·         27 Feb - Send latest draft to Council

·         02 Mar - Deadline for GNSO Council input, suggest edits

·         05 Mar - SCBO meeting; send final version to Council list for review

·         07 Mar - Last call for objections from Council

·         08 Mar - Submit GNSO Council comments to comment forum absent any objections

·         08 Mar - Draft FY19 ICANN Budget comments due


Thank you.




Berry A. Cobb





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