Dear Councillors,


Please note that Konstantinos Komaitis will be the temporary alternate for William Drake at the GNSO Council meeting on Thursday, 16 February at 15:00 UTC.

Konstantinos has provided a SoI.


Thank you.

Kind regards,





Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat


De : ICANN []
Envoyé : lundi 13 février 2012 21:12
À :
Objet : GNSO Council Abstention Notification Form [#80]


Name of Officer: *

Robin Gross

Officer Email Address: *

Date Prepared: *

Monday, February 13, 2012

GNSO Organization: *

Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group

Officer Position or Title: *


Voting Remedy: *

Temporary Alternate

Reason(s) for or condition(s) leading to the remedy: *

William Drake will be unavailable during 16 February GNSO Council call, therefore Konstantinos Komaitis will serve as his Temporary Alternate

Specific subject(s)/measure(s)/motion(s)/action(s) of the Council for which the remedy is being exercised: *


Date upon which the remedy will expire or terminate:
[Note: may not exceed 3 months initially; may be renewed by sending an email with explanation to GNSO Secretariat]

Friday, February 17, 2012

Please identify the individual (cannot be a current GNSO Councilor) who will serve as the abstaining Councilor's Temporary Alternate.
[Note: if not already published and available, a short bio and Statement/Disclosure of Interest should be prepared by the Temporary Alternate and delivered to the GNSO Secretariat in advance of any discussion or voting scheduled to take place].

Konstantinos Komaitis

Temporary Alternate Email Address: *