Dear all,


The ICANN74 schedule will be published next week. In the meantime, you are all encouraged to visit the ICANN74 website , in particular, the FAQ on Health and Safety if you are travelling to the Hague and need further information about on-site requirements. Transport, hotel and restaurant information can already be found on the website.


As you are aware, this is the first iteration of a hybrid ICANN meeting, and with such there are certain changes put in place to accommodate the health and safety requirements all will be following during the meeting.


If you are a PDP or EPDP member, you will have received a survey asking you if you are travelling to the Hague and if you plan on joining the PDP or EPDP session. The reason for this is social distancing criteria, which whilst being essential, has considerably impacted the seating space available in the meeting rooms. We ask that you please complete the surveys as soon as possible, as it is key for staff to understand who will be attending which session in an active capacity (i.e. a group member, rather than observing attendee) to ensure seating is guaranteed for those who need to be in the room. Ushers at the session room doors will have the names of members who confirmed attendance via the survey mentioned above, so please ensure you complete it.


If you are travelling to the Hague, once the schedule is published, you will be invited to register to the sessions you need and/ or would like to attend, this will help inform the meeting organizers of how attended a session will be and to plan accordingly. Emails will be sent out closer to the time with additional information.


Thank you,

