Meeting: ICANN Board & GNSO Council | IGO EPDP Recommendations Report

Date/time: 11 January 2023 at 17:00 UTC for 60 minutes

ICANN Board & GNSO Council member will be panelists. Questions will be taken from ICANN Board & GNSO Council only but chat will be enabled for all. 

Observers are welcome to join and will be in  listen-only mode but have ability to zoom chat only


Zoom webinar room:

Passcode: 0eQ1&J93H6


One tap mobile :

    US: +13126266799,,94374077297#,,,,*4767405445#  or +19294362866,,94374077297#,,,,*4767405445#


Webinar ID: 943 7407 7297

Passcode: 4767405445

    International numbers available: