Please note Peter’s thanks below.




From: Peter Dengate Thrush []
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 5:24 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck
Cc: Secretary;; ICANN Board of Directors
Subject: Re: Vertical Integration Recommendations for the New gTLD Program


Dear Chick

I acknowledge receipt of your message below, which has been shared with the Board.

Please convey my thanks to the Working Group, and to the Council for its attention to this request.


my regards


Peter Dengate Thrush

Chairman of the Board of Directors, 

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers 


+64 4 4998959 (DDI)

+64 21499888  (mobile)

+64 4 4710672 (fax)




On Oct 8, 2010, at 6:21 AM, Gomes, Chuck wrote:to the 

Mr. Peter Dengate-Thrush
Chair - ICANN Board

Re: Vertical Integration Recommendations for the New gTLD Program

Dear Peter,

This is in response to Section 2.11 (Vertical Integration) of the 25 September 2010 Adopted Board Resolutions ( in which the ICANN Board inquired whether the GNSO has achieved a consensus position on the topic of vertical integration with regard to New gTLDs.

Please be advised that the GNSO Council was notified by the Vertical Integration PDP Working Group (VI WG) that it was unable to reach a consensus position on the issue of vertical integration. Although the WG has been diligently evaluating this issue for several months, it is unable to deliver recommendations that are supported by a consensus of its members by the ICANN Board’s deadline of 8 October 2010.


Chuck Gomes
GNSO Council