

Thanks for forwarding this note on to the Council.  Given the timing sensitivities, I would propose the Council tomorrow sending a note like the one below.  Any objections? 




Dear Board Governance Committee,


                As you may be aware, the GNSO Council had the opportunity to review the BGC Recommendation on Reconsideration Request 13-3, which can be found at (Recommendation) during its regular monthly Council call on June 16, 2013.   


Although the Council in no way intends to interfere with outcomes of Reconsideration Requests in general, we have some key concerns with the implications of the rationale used by the BGC in support of the Recommendation.  These concerns were expressed during the Council call and on the Council mailing list and centered around the perceived potential impact of the Recommendation on the GNSO and more broadly, the bottom-up, multi-stakeholder model.


                We therefore respectfully ask the BGC to withdraw the arguments used to support the ultimate rejection of the Reconsideration Request, and replace the rationale with something more in line with the scope of Reconsideration Requests as outlined in the ICANN Bylaws.  In addition, we ask that we continue the dialogue on the this particular matter in July at the ICANN meeting in Durban.



Jonathan Robinson

GNSO Council Chair



Jeffrey J. Neuman
Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Business Affairs


From: [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Robinson
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 7:02 AM
To: 'Bruce Tonkin';
Subject: RE: [council] GNSO Council Meeting - 13 June 2013 - Actionss arising from Item 6 (Reconsideration request ... )




Thank-you for flagging this.


We will endeavour to provide you with this.




From: Bruce Tonkin []
Sent: 16 June 2013 23:52
Subject: RE: [council] GNSO Council Meeting - 13 June 2013 - Actionss arising from Item 6 (Reconsideration request ... )


Hello Jonathan,


For information- the Board Governance Committee is meeting on Tuesday 18 June at 21:00 UTC time.


A review of the rationale for reconsideration request 13.3 is on the agenda.   Any materials you can provide before then would be useful.


I am expecting that the new gTLD program committee will then consider reconsideration request 13.3 at its meeting on 25 June 2013.



Bruce Tonkin