Chuck and everyone, are there any limits/guidelines as to how many from each SG/Constituency/AC?
I'm assuming that given the time line, subject matter and other workload, we should not be proceeding with a huge number of people.
(sorry if I should know this out of the WG procedures or something, but figured if there was indeed a figure, this was the expert list to ask!)

Mary W S Wong
Professor of Law & Chair, Graduate IP Programs
Franklin Pierce Law Center
Two White Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 1-603-513-5143
Selected writings available on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at:

From: "Gomes, Chuck" <>
To: "GNSO Council List" <>
Date: 1/31/2010 10:09 AM
Subject: [council] Volunteers for Charter Drafting Team for Vertical Integration PDP
In follow-up to Council approval to initiate a Vertical Integration PDP and specifically the action item to form a drafting team to develop a charter for that PDP, I am hereby requesting volunteers for the DT.  Volunteers need not be Councilors.
If you or someone in your SG/Constituency/AC want to volunteer for this WT, please respond on this list not later than 9 February.