Do we have time to discuss this during the council call next Thursday?
In addition I would appreciate answers to the questions I've raised for the last JAS WG report. This was promised some time ago - but it seems that content related questions are of lower priority...

Kind regards

Von: [] Im Auftrag von Stéphane Van Gelder
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011 12:04
An: Council
Betreff: [council] Fwd: Postponed to Tuesday 14 June 2011 @ 1300 UTC / JAS WG - Board - GAC proposed June 7 meeting

Councillors, FYI.

This call continues to puzzle me. There has been little reaction on this list to the emails I've sent informing of the call, so I have not pushed this in any way. But this call does make me uncomfortable.

JAS is a co-chartered group. It has produced an INTERIM report. Without much consultation with the GNSO, a call is organised by ALAC for the Board and the GAC to ask questions on this interim report.

In essence, I don't have any problem with this. I think it's actually very useful for a group like the JAS to explain its interim reports if people have questions.

But part of me is thinking that because its an interim report, I am surprised that the Board would want to ask questions at this stage. I hear that the JAS WG is preparing a 3rd milestone report. I don't know if this is true and if this means that there will be a final report after this 3rd MS report (Rafik, can you perhaps shed some light on this please?). If that's the case, then this seems early days to get direct Board involvement.

Now of course I realise that this is a special case because there may be implementation aspects that need to be taken care of quickly, as the new gTLD program is about to be launched, but I am also mindful of the process issues.

So please let me have your thoughts on this. I am happy to talk to Olivier, the ALAC Chair, and bring any concerns or questions the GNSO may have on this to him.



Début du message réexpédié :

De : ICANN At-Large Staff <>
Date : 7 juin 2011 01:45:41 HAEC
À : ICANN At-Large Staff <>, "Katim S. Touray" <>, Secretary <>
Cc : Jeremy Beale <>, Glen de Saint Géry <>, Stephane Van Gelder <>, Karla Valente <>, Carlton Samuels <>, Rafik Dammak <>, ALAC EXCOM <>, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <>
Objet : Postponed to Tuesday 14 June 2011 @ 1300 UTC / JAS WG - Board - GAC proposed June 7 meeting

Dear All,

Due to short notice and the unavailability of some members, we are re-rescheduling the JAS Working Group Call with members of the Board, GAC and GNSO invited, to next Tuesday, 14 June 2001, at 13:00 UTC. We hope you will be able to make it then, and apologise for the last minute change of schedule. 

The agenda will remain the same.
As a reminder, it would help the JAS WG to better prepare if you could:
  1. Advise on the representatives from the Board and GAC that will be able to attend the  teleconference.
  2. Send us any questions or comments on the Milestone Report in advance, if possible.
Kind regards,
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond
ALAC Chair

From: Microsoft Office User <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 15:59:03 -0700
To: "Katim S. Touray" <>, Secretary of the Board <>
Cc: Jeremy Beale <>, Glen de Saint Géry <>, Stephane Van Gelder <>, Karla Valente <>, Carlton Samuels <>, Rafik Dammak <>, ALAC EXCOM <>, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <>, Microsoft Office User <>
Subject: Meeting Invitation / JAS WG - Board - GAC proposed June 7 meeting

Dear Board and GAC Members,
On behalf of the ALAC, I would like to invite you to attend a teleconference on Tuesday June 7 to discuss support to applicants from developing countries with the Joint Applicant Support Working Group (JAS WG).
The call will take place at 13:00 UTC.
Please find the dial-in call details below.
As you are aware, the JAS WG has prepared a Second Milestone report (attached for your convenience). The ALAC has approved this report, however, it is still under GNSO consideration. Nevertheless, your feedback about this report is very important.
It would help the JAS WG to better prepare if you could:
1. Advise on the representatives from the Board and GAC that will be able to attend the  teleconference.
2. Send us any questions or comments on the Milestone Report in advance, if possible.

  • Introduction (5 to 10 minutes) Evan Leibovitch -  Highlights Second Milestone Report covering short history how it was developed and specific summary points
  • Board/GAC questions/comments (30 to 40 minutes) – JAS WG would like to listen to individual feedback and receive questions/suggestions from GAC and Board members
  • Singapore (5 to 10 minutes) Rafik Dammak/Carlton Samuels – Should there be a public meeting with the JAS WG GAC/Board members during the Singapore ICANN Meeting?
We are looking forward to your participation on Tuesday.
Kind regards,
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond
ALAC Chair

Dial-in details: Tuesday 14 June 2011 at 13:00 UTC

Wiki Workspace:

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NEW ZEALAND                        64-9-970-4771            0800-447-722
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UNITED KINGDOM      LEEDS:         44-113-301-2125          0808-238-6029
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*Access to your conference call will be either of the numbers listed, dependent on the participants' local telecom provider.                           

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