Request for Proposals for DNS Risk Management Framework Consultant

16 July 2012

ICANN is seeking expressions of interest [PDF, 979 KB] for an expert consultant to assist with the development of a DNS Risk Management Framework. The consultant is expected to work with ICANN staff and existing security related efforts in ICANN while drawing upon relevant community expertise, and to deliver a report providing the Board DNS Risk Management Framework Working Group and ICANN community with informed recommendations for the implementation of a DNS Risk Management Framework. The deadline for responses is 31 August 2012, 23:59 UTC.

Responses are requested for this solicitation by email to Questions on the RFP may be submitted between 1-16 August 2012 23:59 UTC. The final deadline forsubmissions is 31 August 2012, 23:59 UTC. A confirmation email will be sent for each expression received.



Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat