
How will the WHOIS studies figure into this equation, if at all?  And if they do, can you remind us to the timing of when each of those will be completed?



Jeffrey J. Neuman
Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Law & Policy


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From: [] On Behalf Of Liz Gasster
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 12:30 PM
To: Stéphane Van Gelder; GNSO Council
Subject: RE: [council] Fwd: [soac-discussion] Board Resolution re: SAC051 Recommendations


Stéphane and all,


If I may add to Stéphane’s point about whether the Council wishes to make comments on the SAC 051 Recommendations as requested by the Board, I would note in particular the Board’s Resolved to: 


Resolved (2011.10.28.27), the Board directs staff to produce, in consultation with the community, a roadmap for the coordination of the technical and policy discussions necessary to implement the recommendations outlined in SAC 051.


The WHOIS Service Requirements Survey Working Group had a preliminary discussion about this at its working group meeting yesterday, noting the possibility that information from the survey could contribute to informing such a roadmap.  In addition, the joint SSAC-GNSO IRD Working Group has a draft Final Report currently out for public comment that is also relevant to Recommendation 2 of the SAC report, which states:


The ICANN community should evaluate and adopt a replacement domain name registration data access protocol that supports the query and display of Internationalized DNRD as well as addressing the relevant recommendations in SAC 003, SAC 027 and SAC 033.

At minimum, it might be advisable to provide an update to the Board on these pending GNSO Whois protocol-related activities to ensure that the roadmap and any subsequent related actions take into consideration the work of these groups. Staff would be happy to prepare a draft of update from the Council on these matters if you would like.


Best regards, Liz


From: [] On Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:05 AM
To: GNSO Council
Subject: [council] Fwd: [soac-discussion] Board Resolution re: SAC051 Recommendations




Please see the message below. At this point, we do not have to respond if we do not think we have anything to add. However, we may wish to respond if there are comments to be made. Please share with your groups and let me know if there is a desire to discuss this at our next Council meeting.








Début du message réexpédié :


De : Julie Hedlund <>

Objet : [soac-discussion] Board Resolution re: SAC051 Recommendations

Date : 9 novembre 2011 21:24:34 HNEC

À : "" <>


Dear Chairs and Vice Chairs of the ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees,

Per the Board Resolution passed on 28 October 2011 at: and listed below, the Board directed staff to forward SAC051 “SSAC Report on WHOIS Terminology and Structure” to ICANN’s Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations for their advice, if any, with regards to implementing the SSAC recommendations.  Please refer to SAC051 at: and, in particular, to the recommendations listed below.

Please send your advice to me at not later than 09 January 2011.  Please also let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

Julie Hedlund
Director, SSAC Support

Recommendations from Security and Stability Advisory Committee Report on Whois Terminology & Structure (SAC051)
Whereas, WHOIS service has been an important information service for the Internet community, and is part of all ICANN TLD contracts.

Whereas, the shortcomings of the WHOIS protocol have been known for some time.

Whereas, on 20 September 2011, ICANN's Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) published a report "SSAC Report on Domain Name WHOIS Terminology and Structure" (SAC 051), including specific recommendations aimed at clarity of terminology and structure with regard to discussions regarding WHOIS.

Resolved (2011.10.28.26), the Board hereby acknowledges the receipt of SAC 051, and thanks SSAC and other contributors for their efforts in the creation of the report.

Resolved (2011.10.28.27), the Board directs staff to produce, in consultation with the community, a roadmap for the coordination of the technical and policy discussions necessary to implement the recommendations outlined in SAC 051.

Resolved (2011.10.28.28), the Board directs staff to forward SAC 051 to ICANN's Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations for their advice, if any, with regards to implementing the SSAC recommendations, and to forward SAC 051 to the Whois Review Team

SAC051 Recommendations:

Recommendation 1: The ICANN community should adopt the terminology outlined in this report in documents and discussions, in particular:
·     Domain Name Registration Data (DNRD).  The data that domain name registrants provide when registering a domain name and that registrars or registries collects.
·     Domain Name Registration Data Access Protocol (DNRD-AP). The components of a (standard) communications exchange—queries and responses—that specify the access to DNRD.
·     Doman Name Registration Data Directory Service (DNRD-DS). The service(s) offered by domain name registries and registrars to implement the DNRD-AP and to provide access to DNRD-DSD.  
Additional terminology includes “DNRDe,” “DNRD Policy,” “DNRD-DS Policy,” “Internationalized DNRD,” and “Localized DNRD.” The term “WHOIS” should only be used when referring to the protocol as currently specified in RFC 3912.

Recommendation 2: The ICANN community should evaluate and adopt a replacement domain name registration data access protocol that supports the query and display of Internationalized DNRD as well as addressing the relevant recommendations in SAC 003, SAC 027 and SAC 033.
Recommendation 3: The ICANN community should develop a uniform and standard framework for accessing DNRD that would provide mechanisms to define and implement a range of verification methods, credential services, and access control capabilities.