Stéphane, all,
I had proposed we discuss these items with the Board. Should the Council decide to actually put these items on the agenda for the meeting with the Board, I see no need for extra letters.


Am 05.06.2012 um 17:56 schrieb Stéphane Van Gelder:

Well I can confirm that you were assigned these actions ;) and I don't remember anything about us not pushing forward on the URS stuff.

We can decide not to moved ahead with both of these however. Just let me know so that I can strike them off my to-do list please.


Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

Le 5 juin 2012 à 15:21, Wendy Seltzer a écrit :

On 06/04/2012 11:54 AM, Stéphane Van Gelder wrote:

As a reminder of some of the action points we had from the previous meeting, and
in order to fully prepare for our upcoming meeting this Thursday, please see my
email below sent on May 16.

On the ICANN Academy, the group had its first call last week. Bill Drake and I
attended the call on behalf of the Council. The group will soon produce some
initial documents which I will pass on to the Council. A meeting of the group is
scheduled in Prague.

On the Friday cancellation and the URS, I have not seen any drafts. Wendy, were
you able to put something together?

I don't recall these actions, specifically not on Friday cancellation
(which I welcome)! I thought comment on URS had been superseded by
further updates from staff.


On the IOC/RC, I have not seen any further comments following the initial draft
message that Thomas had sent to the Council list, of which I attach a copy to
this message for reference. As such, this item will be considered as part of our
consent agenda for the June 7 meeting. I will be asking the Council to approve
me sending the note (as drafted by Thomas or as amended during the June 7
teleconference if there are some comments made then) to the GAC.

The Council Leadership team had its preparation call today, and a new version of
the June 7 agenda will soon be uploaded by Glen.


Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

Début du message réexpédié :

*De : *Stéphane Van Gelder <
*Objet : **Action points from May 10 meeting*
*Date : *16 mai 2012 18:20:36 HAEC
*À : *GNSO Council List < <>>


We have a few action points from our last meeting that I'd like to remind us
all of.

On ALAC's Icann academy, I had an action to inform the ALAC CHair that I would
be joining the group. That has been done. I also had an action to draft some
general guideline points that the Council would feel comfortable with me
portraying to the group as a GNSO position. That has been done.

On the decision to cancel Fridays at Icann meetings, Wendy had an action point
to draft an initial message for me to send to the Board on behalf of the GNSO.

On the URS in the draft budget, Wendy had an action point to draft an initial
message for me to send to the Board on behalf of the GNSO.

On the IOC/RC, we have yet to determine a common Council position.


Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

Wendy Seltzer -- +1 617.863.0613
Fellow, Yale Law School Information Society Project
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Thomas Rickert, Rechtsanwalt
Schollmeyer &  Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft m.b.H. (i.e. law firm)
Geschäftsführer / CEO: Torsten Schollmeyer, Thomas Rickert
HRB 9262, AG Bonn

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