In the past, there was only a Working Group Self-Assessment at the end of a WG’s life (so after the Final report had been submitted to the GNSO Council). The CCOICI recommends the introduction of a periodic survey that would be conducted at the latest following the publication of the Initial Report, unless the charter determines differently. In this case, the report does state that “the Council and/or Council leadership can follow up with the WG members and/or leadership for any follow up conversations it deems necessary to assess if there are issues that need addressing”.


Best regards,




From: Marie Pattullo - AIM <>
Date: Thursday, 19 January 2023 at 16:12
To: Marika Konings <>,
陳曼茹 Manju Chen <>, "council@gnso icann. org" <>
Subject: [Ext] RE: [council] CCOICI WGSA Recommendations Report


Thanks Marika.

So if I understand correctly, the survey summary report wouldn’t lead to improvements/alterations in a current PDP WG even if that survey surfaced current problems?



From: Marika Konings <>
Sent: 19 January 2023 15:59
To: Marie Pattullo - AIM <>;
陳曼茹 Manju Chen <>; council@gnso icann. org <>
Subject: Re: [council] CCOICI WGSA Recommendations Report


Hi Marie,


Please note that as Manju is not able to join today’s Council meeting, the item has been moved to the February Council meeting. Regardless, I’m sure she will respond to your question when she has an opportunity.


I can maybe share how this has worked in the past. Following the completion of the WG Self-Assessment survey, the staff support team would share the summary with the GNSO Council for review. Based on the feedback received, Council would then consider whether any updates should be considered to existing practices or procedures, and/or factor this input in when chartering future efforts. Of course, if there are specific suggestions for how this review should be done going forward, this could be something to consider further during the February meeting.


I hope this is helpful.


Best regards,




From: council <> on behalf of Marie Pattullo - AIM via council <>
Reply to: Marie Pattullo - AIM <>
Date: Thursday, 19 January 2023 at 15:50
陳曼茹 Manju Chen <>, "council@gnso icann. org" <>
Subject: Re: [council] CCOICI WGSA Recommendations Report


Firstly, massive thanks to you, Manju, for all the work on this!


During your report during Council later I’d be grateful if you could expand on something: what is the end goal of the surveys? After we have the summary reports, what is expected to happen to them? I’m assuming they’d form the basis (if appropriate) for a Council debate that, if problems in the WG were identified, could lead to some sort of “correction intervention” but I’m not sure how that would be effected or indeed what it would be.


Sorry if this is a really daft question – I’m just trying to understand what the practical outcome of the surveys would be.


Thanks so much in advance,




From: council <> On Behalf Of ??? Manju Chen via council
Sent: 06 January 2023 01:00
To: council@gnso icann. org <>
Subject: [council] CCOICI WGSA Recommendations Report


Dear all,


Happy new year!


On behalf of the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI), please find attached the Committee’s Working Group Self-Assessment (WGSA) Recommendations Report.


The hyperlinks in the report might look funny, but they are clickable and link to wherever they're supposed to.


Please review the report and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.



Thank you!


