Dear Ayden, all,


With apologies for the misunderstanding, please note that we are in the process of cleaning up the Action Items arising from the GNSO Working Session, the joint session with the ccNSO, and the Wrap-Up session, so the list below is incomplete. For the time being, please only consider the below action items from the GNSO Council Meeting as current.







From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <>
Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <>
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 9:50 AM
To: Nathalie Peregrine <>
Cc: "''" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [council] Action Items: GNSO Council meeting ICANN65 Kobe


Thank you for this, Nathalie.

Was there perhaps an additional action item, to prepare an analysis or comment on behalf of the Council vis-a-vis responding to potential regulatory impacts that could effect ICANN?


I would like to be involved in this work, if possible. Thanks.


Best wishes,

Ayden Férdeline 



‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 3:39 PM, Nathalie Peregrine <> wrote:


Dear Councilors,


With sincere apologies for the delay, please find the action items below, as stated during the meeting, arising from the GNSO Council sessions held during ICANN65 in Kobe.

Please take note of the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.  


Please ensure your wiki logins are up to date as all action items have been assigned to councilors and/or staff and posted on the Action Item wiki page here. Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.


**Note the action items highlighted for all councilors**




Kobe GNSO Working Session


CCWG Auction Proceeds update:

Action item:

  • GNSO Stakeholder groups to encourage their appointed members to dutifully participate and provide regular updates on the status of work. To review GNSO appointed members, see


Prep for meetings with Board, ccNSO, GAC

Action item:

  • (see also wrap up session): Small group of Councilors to develop draft message to ICANN Org to provide input on legislative tracker. Based on feedback, Council leadership to consider scheduling follow up discussion at ICANN65.


PDP update: discussion of SubPro progress

Action items:

  • Council leadership to propose path forward to obtain clarification / provide view concerning intersection between NCAP and SubPro.
  • PDP 3.0 small team to engage with PDP Chairs to obtain input on different improvements related to PDP WGs and leadership.



GNSO Council Meeting - 13 March 2019


Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List

Action Item(s):

  • Council leadership to look into status of existing action item related to preparation of the  3.7 appeal after action report.
  • Council Chair to follow up on the existing action item regarding the drafting of a response to CCWG/EG on Internet Governance.
  • ICANN Staff to mark EPDP/TSG action item as complete
  • Council leadership to confirm expectations of TSG are well understood, next steps. Reach out to find out next steps of TSG


Item 3: Consent Agenda

Action Item(s):

  • In accordance with terms of the CSC Effectiveness Review Template, the Chair of GNSO Council and the Chair of ccNSO Council are requested to recommend report to IANA Naming Function Review Team (IFRT) as soon as that is established.
  • The GNSO Council instructs the GNSO Secretariat to share the results of this motion with the CSC. [COMPLETED]
  • Keith Drazek, serving as the EC Admin, to inform the EC Secretary of the confirmation of Becky Burr to serve in seat 13 on the ICANN Board of Directors.


Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Privacy/Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Implementation Review Team

Action Item(s):

  • Council to prepare response to letter from Cyrus, considering whether the PPSAI IRT should continue to be on hold and/or whether the transfer policy referral should be worked on now, noting that public comment on the new P/P policy (which was the original trigger) may not take place for a while. In relation to unpausing of the PPSAI IRT, Council to consider whether it would be possible to parse out EPDP-dependent  versus non-EPDP dependent items.


Item 5: COUNCIL UPDATE –  GNSO Policy Development Process 3.0 Implementation

Action Item(s):

  • Small group of Councilors to ensure that recurring updates are provided to the Council (e.g., on no less than a quarterly basis)



Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Discussion of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Policy Status Report

Action Item(s):

  • Council to further consider next steps in relation to the review of the Transfer Policy which would result in providing GDD information/response on expected next steps and/or seek additional information as the Council considers how to approach the Transfer Policy review, for example, holistically instead of piecemeal.


9.1 - New GNSO Chair election timeline with travel guidelines (120 days for funded traveler submissions)

Action Item(s):

  • Councilors to continue discussion with their respective groups to help understand the impact of the changes to the timeline for submitting travelers in relation to elections and react accordingly.