I agree

2009/5/15 Avri Doria <avri@psg.com>

I propose sending the the following to the GAC later today.  I would especially be interested in receiving confirmation from the BC, Kristina and Mary on the accuracy of the statement I have included on your abstentions.


Dear Janis,

Attached please find a letter from the GNSO Council written in response to your opem letter of April 24 2009 to the ICANN CEO.  This communication has been approved by the GNSO Council with the noted  abstention of the Commercial and Business Constituency. Additionally both Kristina Rosette and Mary Wong, as active participants in the Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT), felt that support of this document at this time might be inconsistent with their work as part of the IRT and have also abstained.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for accepting our comment at this time.  The GNSO Council looks forward to discussing the issue with the GAC at our joint meeting in Sydney.

Best Regards,


The attachment will include Stéphane's 13 May version of the the letter with changes accepted and date updated.

