Dear SG/C Chairs,

As you may be aware, we received a discussion draft of the attached paper, Modifying Consensus Policies from ICANN org on 23 October (see The ICANN organization has developed this paper as a thought exercise to share with the community for information and input on existing processes. The paper has been developed within the org, considering what procedures are in place for modifying consensus policies, and where there may be gaps, ambiguities, or opportunities for additional collaboration.  

The message also notes that the ICANN Board has expressed interest in understanding these processes and discussing possible mechanisms to address where there are identified and agreed needs for greater clarity or elaboration. As the GNSO’s processes are interwoven with those of the Board and org in the consensus policy lifecycle, the org is seeking input from GNSO stakeholders before taking this paper to the Board. 

The Council discussed during its wrap up session at ICANN72 that, as this touches upon the GNSO PDP, it would be important to engage on this topic with SG/Cs. As a result, we would like to invite you to identify a representative to join the small team that is in the process of forming (see small team assignment document attached). Please let gnso-secs know by 10 November at the latest who from your group will be joining this effort as the small team is expected to commence its discussions shortly thereafter.

Best regards,



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