Dear Council members,


As a reminder, tomorrow is the last day to provide input on the attached draft EOI materials for the Fellowship Selection Committee role. Absent any input by then, staff will work with the leadership team to get this EOI announcement posted on the GNSO website.


Kind regards,



From: Gnso-chairs <> on behalf of Sebastien--- via Gnso-chairs <>
Reply to: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 10:12
To: "COUNCIL@GNSO.ICANN.ORG" <>, GNSO-Chairs <>, "" <>
Subject: [gnso-chairs] Follow Up: Fellowship - Mentor and Selection Committee - EOIs


Dear Council Members,


As a follow up to my email yesterday, please find attached the Announcement and EOI form for the Fellowship Selection Committee.

As this is a new EOI – we never had to select from multiple potential candidates for the role – please review and comment as you see fit. We will collect your feedback for a week until 7 December 2022 COB.


Please note in the documents that this EOI deadline is yet to be set but will be likely in the first half of January 2023.

This is by opposition with the Fellowship Mentor position that is ready and will be posted today with a 21 December 2022 response deadline.





Sebastien Ducos

GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager



France & Australia



From: Sebastien Ducos <>
Date: Tuesday, 29 November 2022 at 5:01 pm
Subject: Fellowship - Mentor and Selection Committee - EOIs

Dear Council Members,


Our informal call for interest for the positions of Fellowship Mentor and Fellowship Selection Committee has raised interest within the GNSO. We have consequently decided that we will formally launch an EOI and inform the SSC of the assignment to make a selection.


The Mentor position has been the subject of a number of EOIs in the past, for which we do have documents available – please find them attached.

The Selection Committee position hasn’t and we are now finalizing the corresponding documents which I will share as soon as possible.


Do note that these EOIs are opened to the GNSO in general (not just Council) and we will engage with the different constituencies directly.





Sebastien Ducos

GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager



France & Australia