Good point. Glen, considering the new meeting time of 15:00, can we move this back to 14:30 so that we can get as many councillors as possible?


Le 27 juin 2012 à 08:59, Mason Cole a écrit :

Glen, is the group photo still at 1:30?

To: List
Cc: Nancy Lupiano ; David Olive ; Chris Mondini
Sent: Tue Jun 26 07:39:49 2012
Subject: Re: [council] Room for our Open Council Meeting tomorrow


As a follow-up to this, a solution has been found. The Council meeting will be in Congress II and start at the later time of 3pm.

I have asked for the schedule to be updated to reflect this change.

I want to thank Nancy Lupiano, David Olive and Chris Mondini for their extremely valuable help in resolving this situation.

Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

Le 26 juin 2012 à 14:51, Stéphane Van Gelder a écrit :


Just wanted to let you know that over the past couple of days, the Leadership has been working extremely hard with ICANN meeting staff to ensure that our Council meeting is set in the appropriate room tomorrow.

I will skip over the details of these discussions, just to say that we have been able to find a resolution for our meeting to be in the main meeting room here, Congress II, with a few operational caveats which are set out below in the latest email we had from the meeting staff.

I want to thank Nancy and the rest of the meeting staff for accommodating our requests to keep our meeting in the main room.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

We can offer you the Congress II room for tomorrow's GNSO Council ; however, as mentioned previously, the room will not have the large U for 28 with microphones and plasma screens. The room will be set theater style with a head table for 12 on the stage with 6 microphones.  This will be the same set up that we had for the Welcome and following meetings on Monday.


Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT