Dear Councilors,


Please see the email below, sent on behalf of our colleagues from the Global Domains & Strategy team.


Kind Regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director



31 January 2022


Dear Councilors,


We are writing to provide another update to our 20 December 2021 communication regarding the Uniform Dispute Resolution Procedure Policy (UDRP) Policy Status Report (PSR).


As mentioned in that communication, ICANN org is gathering relevant information related to the UDRP and drafting the PSR, which includes background on the UDRP processes and procedures, publicly available data on UDRP complaints and decisions, and analyses of relevant elements.


ICANN org is also working with all six UDRP Providers to ensure the data being presented in the report is accurate and complete. Since our last update, five of the six UDRP Providers have reviewed the UDRP data that ICANN org had collected from their websites. In addition, we recently received the requested data on UDRP-related inquiries from ICANN’s Global Support Center (GSC) and we are working on updating the relevant sections of the report with the UDRP data provided. We are currently on track to publish the report for public comment by the document deadline for ICANN73 and we will be sure to send the report to the Council as well. We will inform you as soon as possible in case there are changes to this timeline.


Please let us know if you have questions or need additional information.