As does ALAC.  Alan

At 04/03/2009 07:57 AM, William Drake wrote:
Hi Tim,

This is news to us.  NCUC much prefers the language we agreed on Sunday.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Tim Ruiz <> wrote:

Thought I should point out that the only change from the version that
was circulated Sunday afternoon is in the last paragraph of the resolve.

The Sunday afternoon version read:

Within 30 days of Board approval of the set of amendments, the GNSO
Council will form a Drafting Team to discuss the amendments further and
identify those that the community believes could be further revised
through PDP processes or through additional changes to the RAA that may
not fall within scope of a formal PDP process. The Drafting Team should
endeavor to provide its advice to the Council and ICANN staff no later
then July 31, 2009.

It has been changed to:

Within 30 days of Board approval of the set of amendments, the GNSO
Council will form a Drafting Team to discuss further amendments to the
The Drafting Team should endeavor to provide its advice to the Council
ICANN staff no later then July 31, 2009.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [council] Final version of RAA amendment/motion
From: "Tim Ruiz" <>
Date: Tue, March 03, 2009 3:40 pm

The attached, also copied below, is the final version of the motion many
of us have worked on. It reflects all the changes that we've discussed.
Not completely sure of the best way to frame it for voting, but would
like to suggest that we consider it the only motion on this subject that
we vote on tomorrow.


Whereas, the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) has not been
amended since May 2001, and ICANN has undertaken a lengthy consultative
process related to amending the RAA, including several public comment
periods and consultations;

Whereas, the proposed changes to the RAA include important compliance
and enforcement tools for ICANN; The Council wishes to approve the set
of proposed amendments as quickly as possible so that the ICANN Board
may review them, and if approved then implement them as quickly as
possible; and


The Council would like to proceed on the drafting of a charter
identifying registrant rights that registrars would be obliged to link
to, as contemplated in the set of amendments;

The Council would like a specific process and timeline to move forward
with additional potential amendments to the RAA; and

The Registrar Constituency is supportive of these efforts and is willing
to participate on a good faith basis on anticipated next steps.


The GNSO Council supports the RAA amendments as documented in
and recommends to the Board that they be adopted at its meeting of March
6, 2009;

Within 30 days of Board approval of the set of amendments,
representatives from the GNSO community and the ALAC shall be identified
to participate in drafting a registrant rights charter, as contemplated
by the amendments and the current GNSO Council discussions, with support
from ICANN staff. A draft charter shall be completed no later then July
31; and

Within 30 days of Board approval of the set of amendments, the GNSO
Council will form a Drafting Team to discuss further amendments to the
The Drafting Team should endeavor to provide its advice to the Council
ICANN staff no later then July 31, 2009.

William J. Drake 
Senior Associate
Centre for International Governance
Graduate Institute for International and
 Development Studies
 Geneva, Switzerland
New book: Governing Global Electronic Networks,