Dear Councilors,

I am providing an update on the SPIRT Charter Drafting Team work in my role as Council Liaison.  With help from Steve and Saewon, we are making progress but there are concerns regarding attendance.  Could you please follow up with your respective stakeholder groups and constituencies to encourage attendance and participation in this drafting process?  We need broad participation in order to present the best possible output for Council to review in July.

As mentioned in chat in our last Council meeting in relation to the Action Decision Radar, there are some possible variations to the Sub Pro Final Report Annex E Implementation Guidance being discussed by this team so it's especially important for everyone who signed up to in fact participate.

Beyond those members represented on the Council per se, many thanks to Alan Greenberg of the ALAC for acting as Vice Chair and bringing the issue of poor attendance by some to our attention.   Thanks as well to Nigel Hickson for his input into the Charter document and his participation in the meetings on behalf of the GAC.  Special thanks to Nitin Walia for his able chairing of the meetings!


Anne Aikman-Scalese
GNSO Councilor
NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alan Greenberg <>
Date: Mon, May 20, 2024 at 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Attendance record
To: ICANN Policy Calendar <>
Cc: <>, <>, Steve Chan <>, Julie Hedlund <>, Saewon Lee <>, Julie Bisland <>, Devan Reed <>, Terri Agnew <>