Dear Councilors,


Please review the request below from Philippe and the GNSO Council leadership team. Thank you.



After the 22 July Council meeting, leadership has given additional thought to the agenda item regarding the IGO Work Track. As we discussed during the call, there were three components that we wanted to bring to your attention:


  1. The need for a Program Change Request as a result of public comment moratorium – there were no objections on the call.
  2. The ability of the IGO Work Track to develop Consensus Policy recommendations – this is the area we will focus on for immediate next steps.
  3. Whether the IGO Work Track’s draft recommendations are “generally consistent” with the original IGO PDP Working Group’s recommendations #1-4 – to be addressed in the future. 


Council leadership considers #1 above as done and would like to consider #2 and #3 separately: #2 should be considered now and #3 can be considered at a later date.


For #2, Council leadership has consulted with staff and, as a result, we request that the Council consider what appears to be the most sensible path forward to ensure that any forthcoming Consensus Policy recommendations from the IGO Work Track have proper procedural standing; viz., convene an expedited PDP (EPDP) on IGOs. Further, this EPDP should be convened with the same scope of work and structure as is currently outlined in the Addendum [], to the greatest extent possible.


What this would entail is: (1) preparing an EPDP initiation request; and (2) migrating the content of the Addendum to an EPDP Charter. Please consult with your respective SG/Cs and note any objections to this proposed direction by 6 August 2021.


Best regards,
