Thanks Marilyn. Yes, I wish to propose that the date be changed to Tuesday June 6th.

Would PDP-Feb06 Task Force members please advise as to availability on that date?

Thank you.



Marilyn wrote:

>Friday 9 June proposed new PDP-Feb06 task force teleconference (time to
>be decided)
Marilyn Cade: will be on call.

Saw that Maureen isn't available. Shoudl this call be rescheduled around chair's availability?


----- Original Message -----
From: Marilyn Cade
To: ;
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: RE: [council] Proposed dates for GNSO Council and task force meetings in second quater

>Wednesday 12 April GNSO Council teleconference - Summer time in Europe
>12:00 UTC (there will be voting on this call so please indicate whether
>you will be present as there are no proxies)
Marilyn Cade: .......will be on call
>Thursday 18 May  GNSO Council teleconference -  12:00 UTC
Marilyn Cade: will be on call
>Thursday afternoon 25 May, Friday all day 26 May, Saturday all day 27
>May - proposed face to face policy work session in Brussels
Marilyn Cade: Present plans are to be there in person.
NOTE: I had also suggested that the mebmers of TF PDP Feb 06, could also benefit from teh session on ICANN contracts. Is it considered to try to make that feasible for their participation? Is not a large additional number of participants.

>Thursday 8 June  GNSO Council teleconference - 12:00 UTC
>Marilyn Cade: will be on call

>Friday 9 June proposed new PDP-Feb06 task force teleconference (time to
>be decided)
Marilyn Cade: will be on call.

Saw that Maureen isn't available. Shoudl this call be rescheduled around chair's availability?

>Thursday 15 June  GNSO Council teleconference - 12:00 UTC (just before
>Marrakesh meeting)
Marilyn Cade Plan to participate on call.