
Please see below the message from Patrick Jones on the FY12 security, stability and resiliency framework.


Début du message réexpédié :

De : Patrick Jones <>
Date : 27 avril 2011 16:42:56 HAEC
À : Stéphane Van Gelder <>, "Neuman, Jeff" <>, "" <>
Cc : David Olive <>
Objet : FY 12 SSR Framework

Dear Stéphane, Jeff and Mary,

I am in the process of finalizing the FY 12 ICANN Security, Stability & Resiliency (SSR) Framework for public comment, and wanted to provide advance notice to the GNSO & its component stakeholder groups/constituencies that the Framework would soon be posted (dependent on the delivery of translations, hopefully by the end of this week).

You may recall the FY 11 SSR Plan was published after the start of FY 11 in September 2010 and acknowledged by the ICANN Board at the Cartagena meeting in December 2010. In Cartagena, I heard many comments that the next version of the SSR Plan should be more streamlined, less redundant and describe clearly areas of ICANN activity vs ICANN awareness and observation.

The updated version of the FY 12 SSR Framework is being provided in a more streamlined in a Powerpoint/PDF format. While this document is separate from the overall budget, it is intended to provide the community with a clear understanding of ICANN’s role in SSR, priorities in FY 12, and an overview of emerging threats and risks (even if these are areas where ICANN is merely an observer). It is also the intention that this document is aligned within the timing for delivery of the FY 12 ICANN Operating Plan and Budget for publication prior to the ICANN Singapore meeting. There will be a public comment period open on the new SSR Framework through the entire month of May.

I would be happy to provide a briefing for individual stakeholder groups/constituencies if they would find this useful.

Best regards,


Patrick L. Jones
Senior Manager, Security
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers
1101 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 930
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: +1 202 570 7115