Councillors, FYI, please see the message below from SSAC Chair Patrik Falstrom on the gTLD registry transition processes model.


Début du message réexpédié :

De : Patrik Fältström <>
Date : 23 avril 2011 06:40:44 HAEC
À : Lesley Cowley <>, Stéphane Van Gelder <>, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <>, " Dryden" <>
Cc : Julie Hedlund <>, Gabriella Schittek <>, Bart Boswinkel <>
Objet : SAC047 on Registry Transition published

FYI, SSAC has just released report SAC047, with the title "SSAC Comment on the ICANN gTLD Registry Transition Processes Model".

It is, as the title says, comments on the registry transition process and policy described so far. SSAC reaches out to ICANN staff for further collaborative work on getting things right.


In conjunction with the anticipated introduction of new generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) ICANN has published an Explanatory Memorandum to describe a model for the transition of a gTLD from one registry operator to another. The registry transition processes are intended to provide safeguards for registrants in cases where a registry ceases operation or in cases where a registry experiences prolonged technical outages.

This SSAC Comment considers each of the circumstances where the transition processes are to be implemented. In particular, the SSAC considers the objectives, scope and application of the transition processes and recommends that the Explanatory Memorandum clearly identify risks that are mitigated by the proposed transition processes. The Comment asks whether matters such as emergency operator eligibility and regular auditing of emergency operators merit additional consideration. Given the real- time operational implications of a registry transition, the Comment pays particular attention to the security and stability of the Emergency Back-End Registry Operator Temporary Transition Process. Finally, the Comment asks that ICANN consider testing, retention of operational data from ex-registries, zone data escrow, and other information that will facilitate restoration of name resolution service for registrants.

  Patrik Fältström
  Chair of SSAC