Dear Councilors,


During the extraordinary meeting on 8 April 2021, the Council discussed the EPDP Phase 1, Recommendation 27 Wave 1.5 Report, which covers two policy implementations currently paused: the Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI) Implementation Review Team and the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information (T&T) Implementation Review Team. In order to inform its decision on the next steps and conditions for restarting these Implementation Review Teams, the Council asked ICANN org to provide more information on the estimated level of effort, from an ICANN org perspective, for completing the work of the PPSAI IRT and the T&T IRT. Additionally, the Council requested ICANN org to reach out to the PPSAI and T&T IRT members to gauge their interest and availability for reconvening and completing the work of the IRT.


Please find the response from the GDS Team below.


Best regards,





From: Karen Lentz <>
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 10:08 AM
To: Caitlin Tubergen <>, Cyrus Jamnejad <>, Amy Bivins <>
Cc: Steve Chan <>
Subject: Re: PPSAI and T&T action items


Hello Caitlin,


Please find below the responses and additional context for these action items.   



-Level of effort-

ICANN org worked with the IRT to develop an implementation plan that was in the final stages of preparation to be published for public comment.  The remaining milestones included finalizing the draft accreditation agreement and related materials for public comment; generating and considering responses to public comment; and determining any additional provisions that may be needed in light of the (then-new) GDPR.  We would estimate the prior level of completion at about 60%.    


Today, with EPDP work, including the reports produced as part of implementing Phase 1 Recommendation 27,  we would put the work overall at approximately 50% complete, because ICANN org will still need to:

  1. assess how the proposed PPSAI program would interact with the new world of WHOIS, SSAD, etc, and whether structural changes to the proposed PPSAI program are needed or desired to streamline how PPSAI and registrar requirements work together (30%). 
  2. identify and propose measures to ensure PPSAI requirements can comply with data protection law (10%). This level of effort may actually be less than when PPSAI was paused, because of the work we’ve done on this to implement EPDP Phase 1.
  3. seek the community’s feedback on the proposed approach and take any further steps that are necessary in response to public comment (10%). This is also part of item (1) above.


-Volunteer Capacity-

We asked IRT members about their willingness and availability to continue to serve on the IRT should this be determined to proceed.

Members on list:  46  

Affirmative responses:  6 (RrSG and IPC) - overlap with current EPDP Phase 1 IRT:  3


Expected time commitment for an IRT is generally bi-weekly 90-minute meetings unless determined otherwise, in addition to reading and review activities for work in progress.  


Translation & Transliteration

-Level of Effort-

ICANN org worked with the IRT to prepare an implementation plan to be published for public comment.  The remaining milestones included generating and considering responses to public comment.  This set of policy recommendations also has a dependency on RDAP development; completing the implementation will require an update to the RDAP Profile and potentially development of a new EPP extension.  We would estimate the prior level of completion at about 50%.  This does not appear to have changed significantly, as the impacts identified via the EPDP Ph 1 Recommendation 27 process were minimal.  


-Volunteer Capacity-

We asked IRT members about their willingness and availability to continue to serve on the IRT should this be determined to proceed.

IRT members on list:  15

Affirmative responses:  4 (RySG and RrSG)


Expected time commitment for an IRT is generally bi-weekly 90-minute meetings unless determined otherwise, in addition to reading and review activities for work in progress. 


-Org Capacity-

As discussed by Councilors in the 8 April call, there is a possible option for additional work on the PPSAI recommendations, if undertaken with relevant scope, to come under the umbrella of the org and Implementation Review Team (IRT)’s work on EPDP Phase 1.  ICANN org’s support on this would factor in timing and prioritization of work with other existing activities and policy implementation, and direction from the Board.  The Council may wish to provide input on any priorities it has for org support given EPDP Phases 1 and 2 on registration data, anticipated implementation work on Rights Protection Mechanisms and Subsequent Procedures recommendations, and other policy efforts where the org is supporting from an implementation side.  


We hope this data is useful as an input to the Council for its discussion on the Wave 1.5 report.  We remain available for any further questions on the report and next steps.


Best regards,





From: Caitlin Tubergen <>
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 10:22 AM
To: Karen Lentz <>, Cyrus Jamnejad <>, Amy Bivins <>
Subject: PPSAI and T&T action items


Hi Karen, Cyrus, and Amy,


I’m writing to follow up on a request from the GNSO Council during its extraordinary meeting on 8 April 2021. I’m aware a response is already in the works but wanted to flag in writing. As you may remember, the GNSO Council discussed the Wave 1.5 Report and posed a few questions to ICANN org regarding the capacity of both ICANN org and the community (specifically, the PPSAI IRT and T&T members) to restart the PPSAI and T&T IRTs. Specifically, the Council is seeking further information regarding the (i) the expected time commitment required for PPSAI volunteers and T&T volunteers if the IRTs are restarted, (ii) the current capacity of the ICANN org staff members who support the PPSAI and T&T IRTs to restart this work, and (iii) the capacity of the PPSAI IRT members and T&T IRT members to restart the IRT work.


It may be helpful for the Council’s understanding to provide a rough estimate of the following: (i) prior to pause, project % completion rate, e.g., 50%, 90%, etc., (ii) following delivery of Wave 1.5 report, project % completion rate.


For further context, please refer to pp. 28-29 of the transcript from the Extraordinary Council meeting.


Thank you!

