I offer the following draft resolution, taken from the Final Outcomes Report of the ad hoc group:


Whereas, the GNSO Council acknowledges the Final Outcomes Report of the ad hoc group on Domain Tasting, the Council hereby initiates a Policy Development Process, and commissions a duly constituted Working Group with the following Terms of Reference:


1. Review and assess all the effects of domain tasting activities that have been identified.


2. Judge whether the overall effects justify measures to be taken to impede domain tasting.


3. If the answer to 2 is affirmative, then consider the likely impacts upon the Constituencies of various potential measures, and recommend measures designed to impede domain tasting.


This Working Group shall report back to Council by January 24, 2008.


I am sure this needs additional language about PDPs, at least, but thought this would be a good start for discussion.


Kind regards,


Mike Rodenbaugh