GNSO SG & Constituency Chairs


Dear GNSO Colleagues,


Following on from the successful sessions that we have held after the past two ICANN Annual General meetings the GNSO Council will again hold an induction and development session after the Dublin meeting on Friday, 23 October 2015.


The primary purpose is to induct and introduce "new" councillors who are joining the Council for the first time following the annual meeting and to introduce the entire council to working together through some evaluation and planning work. In taking this initiative, we aim to avoid the situation where councillors joining the Council are not adequately inducted and also to ensure that the Council functions as effectively as possible from the outset.


A key component of the induction and ongoing development of the Council is to ensure that the Council is also properly oriented within the GNSO. In  the  past this has been effectively handled by ensuring that Councillors are aware of the role and remit of the Council and moreover, by inviting GNSO Stakeholder Group & Constituency leadership representatives to participate in the first session of the Development and Induction day.


Accordingly, you (or an appropriate alternate) are invited, together with the two ICANN GNSO selected board members, to participate on the morning of Friday 23rd October 2015. The initial session in which you are invited to participate is expected to run from approximately 10 to 11h30 and we will be very pleased if you could factor this into your planning for ICANN 54 in Dublin.


We sincerely hope that you (or an appropriate alternate from your SG or Constituency) will be able to attend this important session and, in any event, look forward to meeting with you in October. Confirmation of receipt of this email and ideally acceptance to attend the session will be much appreciated.


Best wishes,






Jonathan Robinson
