Full Name of Officer:

Samantha Demetriou

Officer Email Address:


Date Prepared:

02 March 2024

GNSO Organization:

Registries Stakeholder Group

Officer Position or Title:


Name of Absent Councilor:

Nacho Amadoz

Voting Remedy:


Proxy Information

Reason(s) for or condition(s) leading to the remedy:

Nacho Amadoz will be participating remotely in the GNSO Council meeting at ICANN 79 on 6 March. The proxy will only be used if he has connection issues or otherwise needs to drop from the meeting.

Specific subject(s)/measure(s)/motion(s)/action(s) of the Council for which the remedy is being exercised:

Any votes that need to be cast during the 6 March GNSO Council meeting.

Date upon which the remedy will expire or terminate:

7 March 2024

I affirm that a voting position has been established on the matter(s) at issue pursuant to provisions contained in our Charter or Bylaws.


Our GNSO Councilor has been instructed on how to vote on the matter(s).


Full Name of GNSO Councilor Serving as Voting Proxy:

Kurt Pritz

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