Monday, 2 March 2020


ICANN Community Leadership Digest



The ICANN org Policy Development Support function publishes this twice-weekly digest

to help ICANN community leaders track requests and follow updates.


Table of Contents


ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum

·     NEW: ICANN67 Schedule Now Available!

·     NEW: Areas of Interest for Joint Meetings with the ICANN Board

·     NEW: Language Services for ICANN67


Information Sharing

·     NEW: ICANN Submits Comments on India's Draft Personal Data Protection Bill

·     NEW: CSC Findings on PTI Performance for February 2020

·     REMINDER: EPDP Recommendation 17.2 Questionnaire

·     REMINDER: Nomination Period for ICANN Community Excellence Award 2020 Now Open

Public Comment

·     CLOSES WEDNESDAY: Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report

·     Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – Phase 2

·     Draft Proposal for NextGen@ICANN Program Improvements

·     Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 1

·     Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) Strategy 2021-2025

·     Revised Community Travel Support Guidelines

·     NEW: Proposal for Chinese Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules




ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum


NEW: ICANN67 Schedule Now Available!

The schedule for the ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum [] is now available. A cross-functional team from ICANN collaborated with community groups to develop this schedule, which includes the sessions necessary to advance the community's policy and technical work. 


NEW: Areas of Interest for Joint Meetings with the ICANN Board

Please refer to this workspace [] for a compilation of areas of interest submitted by ICANN community groups for discussion with the ICANN Board at the ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum. The workspace will be updated as more areas of interest are submitted.


NEW: Language Services for ICANN67

Learn more about the efforts ICANN org is making [] to mitigate the impact to real-time interpretation and translation for ICANN67 and to ensure the Virtual Community Forum is a valuable experience.



Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, the ICANN67 Community Forum scheduled for 7-12 March in Cancún, Mexico, will now be a virtual meeting with attendees participating remotely. We recognize the community has many questions about the new meeting schedule, travel arrangements, and other issues. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions [] webpage.


Information Sharing


NEW: CSC Findings on PTI Performance for January 2020

From: Lars-Johan Liman, CSC Chair



As chair of the Customer Standing Committee (CSC), I am pleased to provide you our latest monthly findings on the performance of Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) over January 2020. The CSC has concluded that PTI’s overall performance over January 2020 was “Satisfactory” - PTI met the service level agreement at 98.5% for the month of January 2020. The missed Service Level was satisfactorily explained and is subject to a CSC recommendation to introduce new measurements to create a more meaningful performance measurement for this process. The related PTI report to the CSC, listing the individual service level metrics along with their actual and historical performance, can be found he []re [].


I am also very pleased to provide you an update on the one outstanding SLA amendment: the ccTLD Creation/Transfer – Validation and Reviews. In accordance with the SLA amendment process, the CSC has formally asked the ccNSO and GNSO Councils to agree to the amendment of the SLA. After both Councils support the change, implementation work will start. The SLA amendments are explained in more detail in the CSC Findings report.


I am also pleased to inform you that the CSC and PTI have initiated a discussion on the possible scope of the role the CSC in the context of the IANA Naming Function Contract. This discussion will continue.


As you may be aware, the CSC was supposed to conduct an in person meeting during ICANN67 in Cancun and had scheduled meetings with the ICANN Board Technical Committee and IANA Function Review Team and would provide updates to the ccTLD managers present and Registry Stakeholder Group. However, with the change of ICANN67 to a virtual meeting, the CSC has cancelled its meeting during ICANN67. The next meeting will be at or around the regular meeting time.



Generally, the CSC regular meeting is scheduled on or around the 15th every month, and the CSC findings report on the PTI performance is sent out shortly after that meeting. If you would like to be informed of upcoming meetings or receive CSC reports directly, you may want to subscribe to our announce lis []t []. Any comments on our reporting to you is welcome. 


The CSC became effective 1 October 2016. Background information on the committee along with transcripts of our meetings and other useful information can be found here [].



REMINDER: EPDP Recommendation 17.2 Questionnaire

From: Cyrus Namazi, Senior Vice President, Global Domains Division



As part of ICANN org’s research for Recommendation 17.2 of the Expedited Policy Development Process on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data (EPDP) Phase 1 Final Report, the Global Domains Division (GDD) has prepared a short questionnaire to collect input on the risks, feasibility, and costs of differentiating between legal and natural persons in registration data directory services (RDDS).


Members of ICANN community groups with a view on the subject are invited to fill out and share the questionnaire [] before Friday, 20 March 2020.


Results will be integrated into the report on Recommendation 17.2 for the EPDP Team.



REMINDER: Nomination Period for ICANN Community Excellence Award 2020 Now Open

From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support



The nomination period for the ICANN Community Excellence Award 2020 is now open. Formerly known as the Multistakeholder Ethos Award, the ICANN Community Excellence Award recognizes ICANN community members who substantively contribute to policymaking within the ICANN ecosystem and who are deeply invested in developing consensus-based solutions within ICANN’s multistakeholder model. Learn more about the nomination process [] and submit your nominations here [].


Public Comment


Close Date: Wednesday, 4 March 2020


Close Date: Monday, 23 March 2020


Close Date: Tuesday, 31 March 2020


Close Date: Tuesday, 31 March 2020


Close Date: Friday, 3 April 2020


Close Date: Monday, 13 April 2020


Close Date: Thursday, 20 April 2020


Volume 2, Issue 18 | Archive [] | Next Issue: Thursday, 5 March 2020