Dear colleagues,

I support the friendly amendments proposed by Avri with some additional points. From NCSG's perspective it is important that the members of the group are appointed by GNSO stakeholder groups. How each SG will carry out their internal process of selection (consulting their constituencies, for instance) is a matter for each SG to define, of course. We also believe that it is important that the group is small and manageable. We believe that the best way to achieve that in a fair and balanced manner is to have a group comprised by an equal number of volunteers per SG. Please see our suggested paragraph below. 

We hope that these suggestions can be accepted as friendly amendments and we look forward to further discuss these points in our informal GNSO session tonight.

All the best wishes,

2. The Drafting Team shall comprise an equal number of volunteers from and selected by each stakeholder group of the GNSO

community. Volunteers should express interest and reasonable knowledge or experience with the process of revising the ICANN Bylaws or GNSO operating procedures.  Stakeholder Groups are requested to identify volunteers by letter to the GNSCO Council Chair by

22 July 2016.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Johan Helsingius <> wrote:


"The Drafting Team shall comprise those volunteers from the
 GNSO community which are identified by their Constituencies
 and Stakeholder Groups"

Does that mean NCA's are excluded, or are NCA's considered
to be their own 1-person stakeholder groups?
