Begin forwarded message:

From: "Patrick Sharry" <>
Date: 7 February 2008 04:34:57 GMT+01:00
Subject: Agenda for the gNSO and ccNSO njont meeting in New Delhi

Dear Avri and Chris
Thank you for inviting me to facilitate the joint meeting of the gNSO Council and the ccNSO Council in New Delhi.   Having spoken with both of you, I think that we are in agreement about the agenda:
·         Welcome, expectations, brief context (Patrick)
·         Brief explanation of the GNSO letter and its intents; questions and brief discussion to clarify matters (Avri and Patrick)
·         Brief explanation of the ccNSO letter and it intents; questions and brief discussion to clarify matters (Chris and Patrick)
·         Facilitated general discussion, focusing on key issues (Patrick/ All)
·         Discussion of how to continue to work together to resolve issues; agreement on next steps  (Patrick/ All)
Could you please forward this to your respective councils so that they are aware of what will be happening.