Dear all,
Here goes something I would like to bring up. I was listening to todays morning call on the essential and difficult need to spread quickly more training  among our icann colleagues on how GDPR works (not awareness, but actual skills to debate policy).
In any case, I think that just a a two hours webinar (or a one hour session in Panama), regardless of the amazing people we have on board, we could use an already strong program that is deep enough to give meaningful knowledge, but is not overwhelming to learn in the next weeks. I found this “Get GDPR Ready” Course of International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). On the other hand, the course is qualified for “Certified Information Privacy Professional /Europe”, which gives both legitimacy and some sort of credit afterwards. 
The course is not cheap, at least not for ICANN community members to individually purchase, so I think it would be ideal if ICANN strikes some sort of deal to have this course open, not in ICANN times, but in EPDP times!!! I know Sam Pfeifle, IAPP Content Director, is the person who did the presentation of this matter at INTA 2018, and I heard good thing about it. If INTA could strike a deal, ICANN should too. I think this is the right track to bring a game changer element to the EPDP debate, a fast track training by trusted party already set-up to implement tomorrow. 
Disclosure, I have attended as guest some IAPP events at Argentina, usually at some big trademark law firm, but I have no direct nor indirect relationship, nor-whatsoever, with them.
