

A reminder that this will need fast and effective work including someone who can “hold the pen”.


My suggested approach would be to:


1.       Go back to the transcript / recording of this meeting and capture the relevant input in terms of section headings / structure

2.       Draft a document which can be edited online via Googledocs or similar.

3.       Get the document shared with the Council by the end of this week if possible.





From: Glen de Saint Géry []
Sent: 17 April 2015 22:33
To: Council GNSO
Subject: [council] Call for volunteers – GNSO Operating Plan and Budget Review drafting team


Call for volunteers – GNSO Operating Plan and Budget Review drafting team 

ICANN has published the Draft Budget and Operating Plan for FY 16 for public comment.

In as much as it may affect the GNSO Council  in its role as the manager of the policy development process, there may be potential for the Council to participate in this process. A suggestion would be to review the draft budget with respect to its effect on the role of the Council and consider responding with a joint statement.

At the Council meeting on 16 April 2015, Council approved forming a drafting team to address this concern and provide a comment to the public comment forum before the closing date, 1 May 2015


·        draft an online document,

·        build consensus on the mailing list because there is no Council meeting before the close of public comments

Focus on:

·        the role of the Council as policy manager and without displacing the role or positions of the various SG/Cs

·        resources to support the policy management function


·        complete work 28 April 2015

·        review and submit to public comment forum 1 May 2015

Volunteers: Amr Elsadr, Susan Kawaguchi, Stephanie Perrin, Carlos Raúl Gutierrez,


A mailing list will be  created to facilitate the work

Thank you.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat