Thanks Jeff: I think is a good thing to hear the word of the soul of this WG, with a lot of time working on this. Is also good to know, some things that mention Olga in this email, specially for whom didnt know or didnt remember.

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre

former ALAC member by LACRALO
Abogado - Especialista en Derecho de los Negocios
Sarmiento 71 - 4to. 18 Cordoba - Argentina -
*54-351-424-2123 / 423-5423

Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:03:42 -0500
Subject: [council] FW: Outreach document background



Olga sent the following e-mail to Stephane, myself and Wolf and with her permission I am posting this to the full Council list.


Jeffrey J. Neuman
Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Law & Policy


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From: Olga Cavalli []
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Stéphane Van Gelder
Cc: Neuman, Jeff;> <
Subject: Outreach document background


Dear Stéphane,


I hope you are doing well.


I am contacting you in relation with the Outreach document and other documents related.


I understand that council didn't approve my motion related with the charter on the last call, also there was a request for deferring it during the open council meeting in Dakar.


In my modest oppinion this is surprising and disappointing because this outreach document is part of the GNSO restructuring process, that was open to everyone and where all constituencies and stakeholder groups participated.


For your reference I have included as follows all the background information of the OSC CSG working team I chaired

for more than two years. Task 2 of this working team was the mandate to develop an outreach strategy:



The ICANN Board Governance Committee (BGC) created a working group

(the BGC WG) to consider the results of the reviews and recommend a

comprehensive proposal to improve the effectiveness of the Generic

Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), including its policy activities,

structure, operations and communications. This BGC WG produced a

comprehensive set of recommendations: the “Report of the Board

Governance Committee GNSO Review Working Group on GNSO Improvements”

(hereinafter the BGC Report) that were approved by the full Board in

July 2008.1


As a follow up to Board approval of many BGC Report recommendations,

the GNSO Council formed two steering committees, the Operations

Steering Committee (OSC) and the Policy Process Steering Committee



The OSC formed three work teams, one of which is the OSC Constituency

Operations Work Team, subsequently called the OSC Constituency and

Stakeholder Group Operations Work Team (OSC CSG Work Team).


The OSC CSG Work Team, chaired by Olga Cavalli with active

participation from all constituencies and stakeholder groups, created

a Work Plan and broke it down into specific tasks.


Task 2 directed the work team to develop recommendations for a global

outreach program to broaden participation in GNSO constituencies. This

is where the Outreach document came from, as a mandate for the working



See the produced report here:


Draft versions of this document went for public comments and also for

consideration of the constituencies and stakeholder groups in

different stages of the process.


Other references:


BGC Report : See:



OSC CSG Work Team wiki workspace:



OSC CSG Task 2:

Task 2: Develop a global outreach program to broaden participation in

current constituencies.

--Reach all current members of the ICANN community and potential

members, particularly non-English speakers

--Develop global outreach programs aimed at increasing participation


Members of the OSC CSG Working team:


Work Team Members:

• Olga Cavalli - Nominating Committee Appointee

• Rafik Dammak - Non-Commercial Users Constituency

• Claudio DiGangi - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency

• Chuck Gomes - gTLD Registries Constituency

• Tony Harris - Internet Service and Connectivity Providers Constituency

• Zahid Jamil - Commercial and Business Users Constituency

• S.S. Kshatriya - Individual (India)

• Victoria McEvedy - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency

• Hector Ariel Manoff - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency

• Krista Papac - Registrar Constituency

• Dr. Shahram Soboutipour - Individual (Iran)

• Michael Young - gTLD Registries Constituency


As you can see in the members and conformation of the working group, constituencies and stakeholder groups were part of the team.


And after all we went through these procedural steps during two years of work, which had the support and participation of all SGs, now some stakeholder groups want to change the motion.


This undermines the value of the work that during two years the OSC CSG working team did and also undermines the value and purpose of all the GNSO restructuring process.


In my modest oppinion GNSO as council should respect the work done under the GNSO restructuring process, specially considering that all steps were supervised by the OSC, in the case of our CSG working team, and by the council as a whole.


Please if you need any other clarification on this regard feel free to let me know.


Many thanks and best regards.

