With regard to the ATRT2, I'd like to take Ray Plzak up on his suggestion to let Brian Cute know of the two or three areas (e.g., difficulty of consensus, length of PDP) that we'd like his committee to look at with specific regard to the Council.


--------- Original Message ---------
Subject: [council] Potential Topics / Action Items for Wrap-up
From: Jonathan Robinson <jrobinson@afilias.info>
Date: 4/10/13 6:49 pm
To: "GNSO Council List" <council@gnso.icann.org>

Wrap-up Session - Potential Topics to Cover

* GNSO Council Board - Next steps?
* GNSO GAC / BGRI WG - Next Steps?
* ICANN Durban Meeting Organisation
* Response to / letter on EWG?
* Policy and Implementation
- Outcomes and next steps
- Letter from GNSO Council to other SO/ACs?
* GNSO Review
- Consider self-review
- Look at previous GNSO self-review work
- Understand link / overlap with ATRT2
- Seek update from Ray Plzak
* Motions due 8 business days before meeting
- Change operating procedures or fix existing ones
* Information channels for review of RAA / new gTLD agreement
* Privacy/proxy DT
* CWG - Where to next?
* Review of Motions for next session
* Template to request Issue Report
* Plural vs. Singular new gTLDs - Any GNSO Council Action / Steps to be taken?
* Lack of interest on IDN issues - how to promote next steps / action
(Could staff ensure Council is continually appraised of developements?)

Action Items:

* GNSO Council Chair comment to public forum
* GNSO Council Chair to write to:
- Board / CEO re Council Policy Advice
- Other SO & AC leaders regarding Policy & Implementation
- Bruce Tonkin re previous GNSO review
- BGRI WG and/or GAC re tabulated summary of policy interaction points
Refer timing of motions to SCI (business vs calendar days, as well as time)
* GNSO Council Chair to contact Chairs of SO/ACs to ask for interest in policy vs. implementation WG