Dear GNSO Council,


The Consensus Policy Implementation Framework (CPIF) represents ICANN org’s Global Domains Division’s “roadmap” for implementing community-developed and approved consensus policy recommendations. Point H of the Framework mandates that ICANN org “continually review the implementation framework and related materials to encapsulate additional best-practices or to adjust the steps as a result of lessons learned with previous consensus policy projects.” In accordance with this mandate, please find attached an amended version of the CPIF for your consideration.


This proposed set of amendments focuses on establishing standardized processes for post-implementation consensus policy reviews and for amending the CPIF document on an ongoing basis. In addition to a number of minor language updates, the following sections have been added to or created: 


  1. Section V, “Support and Review: Section expanded to reference the proposed post-implementation consensus policy review process added in the new Section VI
  2. Section VI, “Post-Implementation Consensus Policy Review Process”: New section added to detail proposed steps for carrying out reviews of implemented consensus policies   
  3. Section VII, “Consensus Policy Implementation Framework Amendment Process”: New section added to detail proposed steps for amending the CPIF


Similar to our effort last year to update the framework and “test” the amendment process, minor updates have been left as redlines throughout the document; more substantive changes are shown as redlines and have “rationale” comments associated with them. The amended version will ultimately be posted to’s implementation page at


Community review of these proposed amendments is essential to ensure that they conform to existing org and community standards and practices. If you have input on these proposed amendments, please provide it to this group by Monday, 9 September (feel free to annotate the document directly and/or provide your input in an email).


Thank you all for your time in reviewing this important process. Please let me know of any questions.



Brian Aitchison



Brian Aitchison, PhD

Lead Researcher

Operations and Policy Research

Global Domains Division

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Los Angeles, CA