Hi Wolf-Ulrich,


If I understand correctly, you are referencing the red-line version of the project list.


The difference, as you note, is based on time.  Specifically, what projects have changed from the prior version to this current version.  The projects are tabulated based on where they reside on the various phases of the policy development process.


Here are a few explanations for the changes:

1.       Issue Identification – this is primarily the GNSO Council Actions list.  Prior version showed 9 open items, while the current one shows 7.

2.       A project (Auctions Proceeds) moved to the Working Group phase, as the Council (and other SO/ACs) approved its Charter in Hyderabad.  As you know Members are being decided now, as well as a call for Participants is underway.

3.       The GNSO Review WG motion will be considered at today’s meeting, and as such, migrated from Working Group to Council Deliberations.  Once adopted and later approved by the Board, it will migrate to Implementation.

4.       GAC-GNSO Consultation Group motion was adopted in Hyderabad, and thus migrated to Implementation for staff action.


The red-line changes in the table below the graphs provide the primary key to the changes.


I hope this is helpful.




Berry A. Cobb

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers





From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of WUKnoben
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 09:14
To: Glen de Saint Géry; council@gnso.icann.org
Subject: Re: [council] Review Project List


Thanks Glen,


I have one question for the call later today: the 1st two bar graphs seem to show the projects’ status. What is the difference (time?)?

Best regards



From: Glen de Saint Géry

Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 3:37 PM

Subject: [council] Review Project List



Dear Councillors,


Attached please find the updated Project List in both red-line and clean version for your review before the Council meetings. If there are no comments, the list will be posted on the website on page.


and be directly viewed at:



Thanks so much.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat




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