Jonathan, Amr:
As you, Jonathan, were elected by the Registries and you, Amr, by the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group, your names, like mine and Gabi's, are already, technically, on the request for reconsideration.  If Councillors from the Registrars, ISPC or IPC or even our NomComm appointed colleagues were to want the Council to consider it, that would be pushing the issue further along and I would support.  But I think such an initiative ought to come from a Councillor whose "name" is not already on the request.
--------- Original Message ---------
Subject: [council] RE: [council] Letter to Fadi Chehadé and Stephen Crocker August 26th, 2014
From: "Jonathan Robinson" <>
Date: 8/31/14 10:15 am
To: "'Amr Elsadr'" <>, "'GNSO Council List'" <>

Thanks Amr,

Good point and good question and I'd welcome a discussion in and around the
issues at some point.

Key point is that whenever I communicate with the authority of Council (by
motion or consensus) I typically write:

A. As Chair
B. For and on behalf of the Council

In this case, I was asked if I would sign onto the letter as myself, not on
behalf of the Council.
Now, clearly I am chair and cannot expect my comments to be seen completely
independent of the GNSO/Council.

In this (rare) case, I made a judgement call that I could sign off on it, in
part because there was significant support from the SG & Constituency
leadership colleagues from the GNSO.

If you see the list of names at the end, it is a list of names and not for
and on behalf of the SGs & Constituencies in each case.

Hope that helps clarify.


-----Original Message-----
From: Amr Elsadr []
Sent: 31 August 2014 15:17
To: GNSO Council List
Subject: [council] Letter to Fadi Chehadé and Stephen Crocker August 26th,


I’ve been wondering about this letter for a couple of days now
e-et-al-26aug14-en.pdf), and am asking Jonathan and everyone else what the
procedure is for the GNSO (or GNSO Council) to sign off on it.

I would imagine that a motion and a vote would be necessary, and I imagine
that it would have been received positively by the majority of Councillors,
but I don’t recall a discussion taking place. I’m thinking there was either
a discussion I’ve completely overlooked, or a procedural issue I’m not aware

To be honest, I wasn’t very much in favour of having the NCSG sign off on
this letter when it was discussed at the stakeholder group level (and I
don’t believe the NCSG did actually sign off on it despite being listed as a
signatory). That is not to say that I am particularly happy with the way the
Accountability Process is moving forward, but would have preferred if there
was a more concrete reason to request a delay in the process than to simply
formulate questions. Speaking for myself, I think the reconsideration
request filed
.pdf) served this purpose more eloquently.

I only mention my personal preference in the substantive merits of the
letter to clarify my personal thoughts, but my question is a process
question irrespective of the actual contents of the letter.

I would appreciate any and all thoughts on this.

