Dear Councilors,


Please see the attached request that we as the GNSO Council leadership team received on Monday 19 August from the RPM PDP Working Group co-chairs and our response, which we have just sent following a meeting with Paul McGrady (the Council liaison to this PDP) and ICANN policy staff.


In the interests of time and to allow the Working Group to resume its Phase One work without delay, we decided to send the attached response as soon as we could. We and Paul believe that our response provides the requested clarity as regards the baseline from which the RPM PDP was chartered to perform a review of the RPMs that were developed for the 2012 New gTLD Program round in its Phase One work. In this regard, we note that the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP is also proceeding from the same baseline.


To ensure transparency in the Council leadership’s consultations with PDP chairs and liaisons, we are forwarding the request and our response to you for your information. We invite any Councilor who wishes to seek further information as to our discussion and response on this matter to send a note to the Council mailing list. We will be happy to address your questions, including under AOB on our upcoming call if time permits. 


Thank you.


Best regards,

Keith, Pam and Rafik