
While I am sad to hear that we will no longer have you on council, it is certainly for the best possible reason.  

Congratulations, and it looks like 2015 will be a very exciting year for you!

Best regards—


From: Gabriela Szlak <>
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at 6:08
To: GNSO Council List <>
Subject: [council] Stepping aside the GNSO Council

Dear Colleagues,

I am very sorry to announce that I am stepping aside the GNSO Council after our next call on the 15th of January 2015.

The reason is a very happy one: I am pregnant, expecting for June 2015 and thus, won´t be able to participate in any of the F2F meetings in 2015. We work a lot remotely, but it is also true that most relevant activities occur during f2f meetings. Under the current circumstances, the best for the BC and for the Council was to step aside and have me replaced with someone that will have the opportunity to participate in all activities fully, particularly in such a special year to come, in which the community is dealing with the IANA transition. It was a very hard decision to make but I am confident is for the best. 

At the BC we are currently hosting elections to select my replacement asap, so for Singapore, a new BC councillor will be already selected. 

I want to thank everyone, councillors and our great ICANN staff support members, for the honour and the enriching experience that has been working with all of you in representation of the BC at the GNSO Council since November 2013, and in particular to those who have offered me support and guidance all the way through. Muchas Gracias!!!!

I have enjoyed the GNSO Council´s work and hope to have the chance to be back at some point in the future. In the meantime, I will still be around, of course, as a BC member representing eInstituto and at the LAC strategy and other ICANN activities, but remotely for some time. 

Best wishes and Happy 2015 to all!!!!!

Gabriela Szlak 

Skype: gabrielaszlak

Twitter: @GabiSzlak

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