Dear All,


As you know, the EPDP Phase 2 small team has been working diligently on its review of the Whois Disclosure System design following the publication and presentation by ICANN org during ICANN75. The small team is conscious of the window of opportunity that exists for a possible green light for implementation to avoid conflicts with other projects that may rely on the same resources. Nevertheless, at this point, the small team is not yet in a position to provide a definitive answer to the GNSO Council.


In order to get to this definitive answer, the small team is working through the following questions:


  1. Does the Whois Disclosure System align with the expectations as set out in the small team’s preliminary report?
  2. Will implementation of the Whois Disclosure System deliver the information to help inform Council-Board consultations on the cost-benefit of the SSAD recommendations?
  3. Does the small team recommend to the GNSO Council that it requests the ICANN Board to proceed with the implementation of the Whois Disclosure System?


To address these questions, the small team is actively engaging with the ICANN org team to ensure that the Whois Disclosure System, if the Council and Board decide to move ahead, will be attractive for use by both requestors as well as registrars as otherwise the system will not see sufficient participation to be able to gather the data necessary to help inform further decisions on the future of the SSAD recommendations and the Whois Disclosure System. To see the current status of deliberations, I would encourage you to review the draft addendum that the small team is working on, recognizing that this is still very much work in progress: At the same time, I am attaching a proposed motion that the Council would be asked to consider once the small team completes its work. To be clear, I don’t anticipate this be in time for the Council meeting on 20 October, but I am confident by that date we will have a clearer picture of the small team’s direction of travel. As such, we may be in a position to initiate an email vote shortly after the October Council meeting, or alternatively, consider the motion and addendum for adoption during the November Council meeting.


If you have any questions or comments at this stage, please feel free to reach out to me or to other Council members participating in this effort (see for membership of the small team).





Sebastien Ducos

GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager



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